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General Information

Full Name Shanlin Sun
Languages English, Mandarin
Email shanlins[at]uci[dot]edu
Pronouns they/he


  • 2020 - 2025
    PhD, Computer Science
    University of California, Irvine
    Department of Computer Science
  • 2017 - 2019
    MSc, Electrical Engineering
    University of Southern California
    Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
  • 2013 - 2017
    BEng, Information Engineering
    Beihang University
    School of Instrumentation and Optoelectronic Engineering


  • 2024.06 - 2024.09
    Research Intern
    NEC Labs America
    • Something about inverse rendering :)
  • 2023.06 - 2023.09
    Research Intern
    NEC Labs America
    • Participated in long-horizon closed-loop neural sensor simulator project.
    • With a single recorded log captured by a sensor-equipped vehicle, our simulator can synthesize a realistic closed-loop RGB video.
    • Built upon neural radiance field, Lidar and high-definition map are demonstrated to be useful in extrapolated traffic scene synthesis scenario.
    • Parts of our project leads to CVPR 2024 hightlights paper (LidaRF) and oral presentation at DDADS workshop.
  • 2019.08 - 2021.05
    Machine Learning Engineer
    Deepvoxel, Inc.
    • Developed deep learning-based organs-at-risk delineation algorithm for more than 50 anatomical structures from whole-body CT scans.
    • Integrate our algorithms into their first FDA-cleared product, which was applied by several medical institutions in radiology treatment planning.
    • Parts of our algorithm lead to domain top-tier journal Radiotherapy and Oncology paper (WBNet).


  • 2019
    StructSeg 2019 (9th out of 100 teams)
    MICCAI Challenge
    • participated in the first task in this automatic structure segmentation challenge on organs-at-risk (OAR)segmentation from head & neck CT scans.
  • 2019
    Race On! Self-Driving Car Competition (1st out of 42 teams)
    Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
    • Final race track includes multiple turns, straight lines and intersections.
  • 2019
    Part-of-Speech Tagging Competition (1st out of 191 students)
    Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
    • Given restricted computation power and training time, got the first place on the test data in both Japanese and Italian.

Honors and Awards

  • 2020
    Dean’s Award from ICS department, UCI
    Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences
  • 2017
    China's Scholarship Council (CSC) Award
    Beihang Univeristy